
Photography: investing in memories

August 12, 2019
Matthias ROLLAND
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How do you find the right photographer to immortalize the happiest day of your life?

You've put your heart and soul into organizing a successful wedding, and now it's time to choose the right person to make it unforgettable! This is not a choice to be made lightly, because depending on the photographer you choose, the result can be completely different.

And if we can give you a little advice: forget about amateur photographers or the friend who'll be waving his or her best Smartphone around to take some shots. Photography is a profession, and you certainly don't want to end up with photos of poor quality, taken at the wrong time or that don't reflect what's important to you.

Beautiful landscape
The photographer must help you find the right locations and make you feel at ease during the shoot.

Choosing a photographer is first and foremost choosing a style

Every wedding is unique, and so is every photographer. So don't pick the first photographer you meet, because his or her style may not be right for you. There is a wide variety of photographic styles: low or high exposure, high or low contrast, color or black and white, vivid or pastel colors, and so on. Likewise, some photographers are more at ease with photojournalism, others with capturing facial expressions, and still others with staging the bride and groom and their guests.

So take the time to look at the photographers' portfolios before contacting them, and understand how their work fits in. And beware of fashion trends: the aim is certainly to have pretty pictures, but also to enjoy leafing through them in a few decades' time.

"To photograph is to put the head, the eye and the heart in the same line of sight."

Henri Cartier Bresson

The best photographer for your wedding is also the one you feel comfortable with.

Once you've selected a few photographers who seem to match your expectations, do your best to meet them. This will allow you to confirm or deny your choice of photographic style, but also to see if the two of you are on the same wavelength.

Indeed, what could be a greater shame than to end up with shots in which you have a tense face or unnatural poses, simply because you don't feel at ease! The technical aspects and skills of the photographer are certainly very important, but his or her human qualities are just as crucial to the success of your wedding photos.

Need help finding a qualified photographer?

By organizing your wedding on our property, you are free to choose the service providers who will accompany you. But given the vast choice of photographers in the region, we'd like to give you a helping hand with this shortlist of competent professionals:

  • Lorenzo Accardi, and his low-saturation shots, in which ochre, beige, brown and green tones are prominent;
  • Maelys Izzo, who highlights the Moody style of her photography;
  • Maxine Decker, who offers brighter, more colourful shots;
  • Arina B, English speaker, offers superb, luminous and sensual photos
  • Babouch Atelier, a group of 3 rock'n'roll photographers
  • David Latour, a poetic photographer
  • Julie Valentin, a lot of work on lighting and staging
  • Valery Villard's beautiful, luminous shots